Much of the pain you feel in your body can be attributed to dehydration. We’ve all been told to “drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day”, and many of us do try to drink lots of water. But by following the routine below, you will optimize your body’s ability to use the water you drink
After a month or two on this regimen, you will notice major changes in your skin tone; it will be more moist and supple. Your bowel movements will be regular and easy. You will feel less pain throughout your body as joints and discs become fully hydrated.
For more information, read Your Body’s Many Cries For Water, by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
Caution: If you have not been drinking much water at all, start adding water into your diet slowly in case your kidneys have been damaged by the long-standing dehydration. Also, if you begin to experience muscle cramps, add ½ teaspoon unrefined salt (Real Salt brand) per 2 quarts of water to your diet.
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