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Colleen’s method is extremely gentle. She listens to my body as she performs kind modifications to assist my body in healing itself. I not only consider her my chiropractor, I consider her my primary physician because she supports my entire being – my body, mind, and spirit.
—Lexi K
I starting receiving treatment from Colleen to resolve a significant lower back injury involving multiple bulging disks, sciatica, and chronic muscle contraction. Remarkably, her gentle yet highly effective treatments helped resolve long-standing asymmetries and imbalances that ultimately led to a full recovery without the use of any medical intervention. Now – over 5 years later, I see Colleen on a regular basis to augment my other self-care practices to support my spinal health, nervous system, and overall well-being.
—Sara K.
For many years, gentle and caring Dr. Colleen has adjusted my neck, back, feet, etc., without pain or discomfort. It’s great to move so freely and feel so strong. Thank you Dr. Hathaway!
—Susan M.
I came to Colleen for gentle body work and stayed for the compassionate and sensitive care of spirit and body.
I have brought my kids to see Dr. Colleen for many years. Frankly, before seeing her, we were at the medical doctors office frequently with many illnesses. I have seen an incredible change in my kid’s ability to fight sicknesses. I know the chiropractic care we received is the reason we get sick less.